The Startup of Human Potential Podcast
Welcome to The Startup of Human Potential Podcast, where we aim to inspire and empower entrepreneurs and individuals like you to take their own quantum leap towards realizing their full potential.
We are your hosts, Clifton Smith and Victoria Petrovsky of Faces of the Future, and we're on a mission to create, assemble, and activate the individuals, visions, and ventures that make up the Quantumpreneur Ecosystem.
In this podcast, we delve into topics related to Quantumpreneurship (Quantum Based Entrepreneurship), Personal Development, and unlocking your full potential through Living a Life of Joy.
We'll be interviewing current members and graduates of our Quantumpreneur Academy, along with individuals who are complementary to our offerings in the Wellness Studio, Venture Studio, and Research Studio and those working on collaborative Quantumpreneur Ecosystem projects.
You'll also hear from successful entrepreneurs who have tapped into their own potential to build thriving businesses, as well as experts in fields such as consciousness, heart intelligence, and neuroscience.
Our goal is to provide you with cutting-edge technologies and methodologies to optimize human performance and unleash your full potential. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and transformation. Tune in to The Startup of Human Potential Podcast and take the first step towards your own quantum leap.
Check us out at FacesoftheFuture.io and IG: @FOTF.io
The Startup of Human Potential Podcast
Gender Transformation, Masculinity and Spiritual Journeys with Visionary Technologist Kodah Pipitone
In this episode, join Clifton and Victoria from Faces of the Future as we welcome Kodah Pipitone, an extraordinary individual who has navigated the realms of entrepreneurship, consciousness exploration, and gender transformation.
Kodah shares his journey from founding tech startups to studying with indigenous lineages and becoming a masculinity coach. Discover how he transitioned from male to female and then back to male, and how this transformation has informed his insights into masculinity, presence, and human potential.
Delve into deep conversations about spiritual journeys, systemic changes, and the future of innovation. Kodah also discusses his work in clean tech, consciousness coaching, and his upcoming book that chronicles his unique life experiences.
To learn more:
▶︎ Follow Kodah on IG: @kodah_pip
▶︎ Connect with Kodah on LinkedIn
▶︎ Check out Kodah’s work:
(Technology strategy firm)
(For parents of trans kids)
Check us out at FacesoftheFuture.io and IG: @FOTF.io
This podcast is sponsored by the Foundation for Human Potential.
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[00:00:00] Victoria Petrovsky: Welcome to the Startup of Human Potential.
[00:00:03] Clifton Smith: I'm Clifton,
[00:00:04] Victoria Petrovsky: and I'm Victoria.
[00:00:06] Clifton Smith: and together we are Faces of the Future. Faces of the Future is a startup studio with a personal development platform at the intersection of consciousness, connection, innovation, and well being. We're excited to have you join us on our show today.
[00:00:21] Victoria Petrovsky: And today we're excited to be joined by one of our dear friends, Kodah Pipitone. On the entrepreneurial side, he's been a founder and partner in government technologies, consumer wearables, private equity and management consulting. On the quantum side, he studied with the ancient lineages of the Asháninka Yawanawá and Lakota indigenous peoples.
Practices various biohacking modalities. He's a student of consciousness and peak performance. Futurist, love talking about technology with Kodah and a masculinity and presence coach for men. And I just have to say one of the most unique individuals I've ever met [00:01:00] in my life.
[00:01:01] Clifton Smith: Yeah, very
[00:01:02] Victoria Petrovsky: of the first times. Clifton and I connected with him. He said he's a cyber elf from the future and he did not disappoint. And his life story is just the proof in the pudding, which he'll share and go into on this podcast. But, , I was fascinated because he's the only person I've ever met who's started in this world as male.
Transitioned to female for eight years and then came back to male and we had the pleasure and honor of working with him during that incredible transformation. So I'll leave it here. I'll let Kodah speak for himself. Welcome. So excited to have you here.
[00:01:38] Kodah Pipitone: Yeah. I'm grateful to be here. Thank you for your kind words and thank you for our friendship, and you know all the different synergies all around that. I always look forward to dropping in with clifton and Victoria here and whenever I can going up to visit the "Topanguins" up in Topanga near Los Angeles, where it's a whole different [00:02:00] vortex and, uh, the upgrades take many days to integrate thereafter. So I'm overdue for a visit. , I'm calling in from Las Vegas today where I'm here at the Arkadia festival with Aubrey Marcus's community and Dropping in and tuning in with a lot of folks and staying at a dear brother's house. , who I met through the Flow Genome Project, we actually had the opportunity to do a seven day off grid through hike in the dark Canyon, Utah together. So we went super deep. It was right during the eclipse. The ring of fire in the sky that we got to view and Channel so really looking forward to this connection
[00:02:40] Victoria Petrovsky: Amazing. Was that the Himalayas of Utah? Kodah
is quite linguist as well and coined the phrase that Topanga is the Himalayas of Los Angeles. And that house that he was talking about, he coined was a spiritual hospital.
[00:02:58] Kodah Pipitone: Was it inaccurate I don't know
[00:02:59] Clifton Smith: He's [00:03:00] got great way of naming things and, just the mastery of the English language. we talked about was on some other episodes, like, with, Sharí is just sort of the power of language and the power of naming things. sometimes you never know what sticks and what doesn't stick.
And, that one certainly has stuck for us and with our clients and just in our network. so, you know, another amazing thing about Kodah is he is a master networker. He's probably one of the most connected people to all the, community. In the spiritual conscious space, the peak performance space and also in the investment space.
So it's such honor and privilege to reconnect with him. And I'm excited to dive into to your story and how all of this came to be.
[00:03:46] Kodah Pipitone: Looking forward where do we start?.
[00:03:47] Clifton Smith: when did you first know that you were a master linguist?
[00:03:52] Kodah Pipitone: Well The world's made of words. If you know the words, you make the world. So there was this, piece where I [00:04:00] learned about the generative principle, what we care about manifests in our world. And the mechanism by which that happens is
our word. And there's a difference between just talking in your head and actually rooting in your heart and emitting that logos, that living word of truth.
And when you get into those technologies, The world conforms. So in the journey of embodiment, I came through the intellectualization of self. I engineered my body to conform to the ideas that I generated here in that mimetic space. And that's not the directionality we want, right? I started there and I, Got it forcefully into here and it kind of worked, but after a while the system started displaying error messages and, then the biometrics started confirming those and, the course correction then unfolded and through that direct experience of having used word to create my embodiment and create my reality and also launch companies and lead teams, [00:05:00] I realized the power of those words and then the. responsibility to the things you generate with Logos. And I can also , go deeper into when I used to have microphones in front of my face, talking about trans politics and really inspiring a generation of young people to go forward with that method of intervention in their lives and the really newness of that technology. And, I now sit with the responsibility for having inspired really directly the castration of a generation
and, what's the karma of that, that I've been working on for the last decade. possibility. So to answer your question, I had a deep experience using word to create action in others to wield influence. And during that time of, really activism, lobbying, social justice, double down and manifesting in the venture space. And now it's become really tuned in with studying in these lineages, [00:06:00] studying with the ancients. And knowing that word doesn't always require syntax and grammar.
Word is just vibratory. And those ancient chants and sounds and frequencies that we all know so much about and use in our lives every day, whether we're downloading the binaural beat or using the haptic devices, we are in a vibrational relationship with others and that is it. So we are all always masters of language because we are being in our reality, which is that vibration.
So I could, riff on that further, but I think I've, addressed the question a little bit.
[00:06:36] Victoria Petrovsky: Yeah. There's a lot of gems in what you just shared when you're sharing about, like, word creating the material action the embodiment. I remember, you sharing with us about how. We, program ourselves with words and through listening to it, when we're in that suggestible receptive state, it can really influence our actions and like the embodiment of a specific.
Agenda [00:07:00] or idea, right?
[00:07:01] Kodah Pipitone: Yeah, this is the meme factories of our culture and
cultural architecture that we all operate within. And, you know, when you get still, I just had a, uh, six day silent meditation with Jack Kornfield in Topanga actually.
In that stillness, all of those subconscious and even unconscious frames and linguistic artifacts and memes just come bubbling up
[00:07:23] Victoria Petrovsky: What I was touching on was kind of like how you went through that embodiment shift of Transitioning from being a male to a female and it started with the word and the information that you were receiving that you were then embodying then that Shifted your whole identity because Clifton and I, we do identity shifts.
We work with identity expansion people as they evolve from being an entrepreneur to a funded entrepreneur or go through some period of change in their lives. And you like literally changed your identity, changed your gender with the identity, changed the identity, changed the gender and biohacked like each gender to [00:08:00] perfection.
You know what I mean?
[00:08:01] Kodah Pipitone: Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Let's go there. So the ideas that have a strong resonance in the culture space, a lot of stuff around agency, autonomy, expression, which are healthy and tolerance is critical. But then there's, and shame is, really dissonant and, we can design civilization interconnected without shame.
We can do that. It's a very rational and utilitarian way to, build policy, but just going specific, at, things like I am a woman. And if you're, in an open receptive state, even a hypnagogic state, and you, have resonance with that, you can accept it as true against your, objective biological reality.
And You can begin to align to that and forget how deeply that resonated come into waking consciousness. And then have it there or things like you can be whatever you want to be and you Already deeply want to be what you are [00:09:00] because you've materially Generated that so there is this nuance of what I want right from the ego versus what I want I am Already in this reality. And we often think the ego is generating the language and therefore it will work in the world, but actually it's the beingness that is the language already always happening. And when we align with that flow upstream and then embody that and echo that with our language, then it is a deeper truth current. So there's something in, I'm already saying I am male. I'm already saying I am man. So when I say, and I think that I'm in resonance with egoically with this alternative that I can be whatever I want. I can biohack, engineer, or transform. And it's not actually grounded in the truth of this reality. I can either retroactively try and reframe all of the past indicators in my ontology to justify it and then maintain the intellectual investment in [00:10:00] that until it habituates.
And then I can run a system.
But ultimately in the face of truth and ancient medicine that unlocks that truth, that will vibrate out because that's just actually not the material truth. So I think that those, little pieces in be the change you want to be in the world, coupled on top of this, , too much liquidity in where your identity is grounded. And you can open these possibilities of, you get a tattoo, grow your hair out, whatever you want to do, bodily autonomy, but there's also, what are you already being and can you be in integrity with that and then express and adorn. But if you go and get out of integrity with what you're already being, your language loses force and there's some kind of lack of material conviction in the integrity that you're being
[00:10:50] Clifton Smith: so what I'm hearing you share is some of the, um, the rails and or cautionary tales around just how far you want [00:11:00] to take egoic identity expansion or redesign and some of the coded limitations that are well served and there's a reason why there's those limitations and the experience of trying to push the bounds of those limitations.
Is that, is that what I'm hearing?
[00:11:19] Kodah Pipitone: yes, it is. It is. If the body is an instrument, I play guitar. So it's like, okay, we can play music, on the guitar. Yes, you can modify your guitar, but wouldn't it be nice if you learned how to play it first?
I look at a lot of folks in this bodily augmentation, you know, keeping it in a little less charge, plastic surgeries and things. Okay, great, but they're tweaking, augmenting the guitar, but this thing can do a lot as it is. Let's get in there, what we already have. Yeah! Yeah! Yes. Yeah, for sure, for sure. And the act of picking up another instrument is with the body. Any genetic biologist will tell you there's a cascade of, sexual speciation from, [00:12:00] conception, fertilization of the egg
[00:12:01] Clifton Smith: Sorry, what's that term mean? Sexual what?
[00:12:04] Kodah Pipitone: uh.
Speciation. It speciates your, chromosomal expression begins to, build the proteins and, and construct your biology in alignment with a trajectory of sexual development. I can nerd out about the endocrine system
system Prenatal
[00:12:17] Victoria Petrovsky: embryology
[00:12:18] Clifton Smith: Yeah, and your body is the tool. So I mean, if out a precursor to this convo, it might just be the one we just recorded with Dr. Steven Schwartz to get you caught up because we're going deep here with Kodah.
[00:12:34] Victoria Petrovsky: of stack on one another organically, so I love it. I'm here for it. Let's go.
[00:12:39] Kodah Pipitone: Yeah, so so to make sure that lands for folks
right what I was to and we can go deeper if it's of interest But the there are cascades of hormonal development that then inform psychological development peer bonding sociological development And then these then once you finish the primary puberty your sex characteristics and secondary sex characteristics And there's [00:13:00] neurological puberty and that's more context based So that's your social dynamics, your culture, your environment, and that's how you peer bond. There's something around white matter in the brain that may or may not objectively stabilize that has some kind of brain sex, but that can, not always align in the binary. So if you're male, you could have just for whatever cultural reasons develop what another culture might say is more of a feminine brain or a masculine brain, but that, if left in a healthy state with a smaller. sample set of community that we historically operated in for hundreds of thousands of years, it would typically express and masculine would develop out of maleness and feminine would develop out of femaleness. Our culture is global, interconnected and evolving. So we get this unique set of contexts inputs and we then have, our brain develops. Based on our input and interaction with our environment and we then can have some dissonance there and the workability of that will be resolved at [00:14:00] the first lap through using that system.
So early 20s neurological puberty completes and then late 20s dark night of the soul territory
error messages
[00:14:09] Victoria Petrovsky: So, what was that kernel that was in you, like, from what you were sharing that made you want to explore being female during that period in your life?
[00:14:18] Kodah Pipitone: Oh, awesome. So, I've always been a straight male and, sexuality is, very different. It's olfactory and you're drawn to the pheromones, hormones, of compatibility to another,
just, you're just attracted. If you're androgenic, you typically have an externally referenced sex drive and you're attracted by the aesthetic and the energy of someone for estrogenic you typically receive attention and like that or don't like that. So I was, successfully in relationships my whole life. Um, but if I go to childhood
look, I grew up, I'm an Italian American. My, dad's Sicilian. My mother's Southern Italian. And go there and look at masculinity. You get what I have, fashion sense, maybe dancers You a lot of [00:15:00] hand movements. People spilling wine everywhere. I would have been totally normal in that context, but in the conservative post World War II, , fathering that , my father went through, he had to shut a little bit of that down.
and then when he passed that on to me, I grew up on a horse farm.
me and my brother were fixing fence posts, fixing barn tractors, bailing hay, mowing 27 acres of grass and taking care of horses while my sisters did gymnastics and played piano.
[00:15:25] Victoria Petrovsky: Mm
[00:15:26] Kodah Pipitone: I was super interested and fascinated by that, by Bach and Beethoven and Chopin, and I was like, I want to do that. And my mom was like, go outside and work.
shut it down, right? I love my parents and they're great and they love me, but there was just their template.
[00:15:42] Victoria Petrovsky: Mm hmm.
[00:15:43] Kodah Pipitone: I was aware that there were aspects that I just didn't know where to express them. And then when I discovered art, I just loved it and I had a safe place and all was good.
But there were periods like six years old before I understood that I was not like my sisters and I hang out with my sisters and do art and my brother would make fun of me. So then I shut that [00:16:00] down. and
Then I had the seed that, oh, maybe the way into that was to not be connected to my brother, was to be connected to my sisters.
And seed was just not really consciously engaged with until I, got to puberty and started having a sex drive.
I saw, literature of essentially cross dressers and then going these whole like stealth experiences as a woman. I was like, whoa, that was wild.
And I, I just went down a rabbit hole on that
a couple and it was not noteworthy,
but I was interested. And then that went away. I had a relationship and it was no problem.
And I was like, well, everybody's read about this, right? And then I realized in college, like nobody else did that. Oh, okay. Interesting
note. Fine. Went into a stable relationship, started traveling the world after college and saw very different content from Jerry Springer.
I didn't see these sex workers and really clearly not honorable expressions of what we call [00:17:00] transness. I saw Hijra in India, who were doulas at birth were essentially priestesses. I saw the Bisu in Indonesia who are the lawyers who are gender neutral.
I started reading about Ethiopian shaman who are like castrate themselves ceremonially and live without them. I was like, wait, there's a, wait, maybe that thread, maybe there's a seed in me.
I started just Googling and I started finding this trans stuff.
Simultaneously, I was into meditation, long distance running. This was 2010, 2012. So I knew about this guy named Tim Varys on YouTube and he was talking about Wim Hof.
So that kind of biohacking before it was mainstream. I was the barefoot shoe guy over in Japan, teaching English and running eating mushroom coffees and stuff. I was in that thread. And then I found binaural beats, haptics, and self hypnosis. And I started self hypnosis and [00:18:00] found this erotic self hypnosis. I had this energetic orgasms so, wow. What is this? There's so much more in the world that I didn't, I wasn't aware of. My chakras are balanced and I'm channeling energy, healthy stuff, right? But then,, I was a 20 year old, 21. And my, long term partner, she went away for a business trip and I , didn't know how to take care of myself.
So I found pornography again. And, and I was like, wait, is there hypnosis, pornography?
[00:18:29] Victoria Petrovsky: Wow. there is hypnosis, pornography, and it's dangerous. It's neuro somatic brainwashing,
[00:18:37] Kodah Pipitone: those experiences, a lot of the content is for repressed sexuality,
which I didn't have, but they were the better audio files. So I, got it.
[00:18:45] Clifton Smith: Sorry, one
[00:18:46] Kodah Pipitone: like, whoa, this, I didn't have repressed sexuality. I was pretty sexually expressed, but the audio stimulation the content was just like, wow, that was
[00:18:54] Victoria Petrovsky: But from what you were sharing earlier, like growing up , in the environment with your sisters who
got to express [00:19:00] their creativity, their arts, their gifts that sounded like really appealing to you versus cleaning and building fences outside on the farm.
So it's not a repressed sexuality, but maybe a repressed feminine
[00:19:12] Kodah Pipitone: Exactly. Exactly. Exactly.
So I wasn't that clear on that.
I was still early twenties, neurological puberty, and I had this, you know, I was painting and I wasn't yet a dancer. I am now, but I was painting and I wasn't yet into fashion, but I am now. And it was like, I still didn't have a healthy expressions for that feminine.
So it was building up. So that's what drove me to, Oh, I can. A lot of this hypnotic content is about transforming into a woman and then having sex as a woman. Cause you can multiple orgasms in these hypnotic trances. So I was like, Whoa, that got my feminine satisfied. But then I also was got the language implant imprint input that I might be trans.
I might be a woman and it was under trance in a hypnotic state anchored in orgasm.
So it went deep and then I had an unconscious waking state, [00:20:00] had forgot about implants.
[00:20:01] Victoria Petrovsky: Yeah.
[00:20:01] Kodah Pipitone: I had to go back and read the scripts, analyze the videos, and then make a counterscript and reprogram myself to heal from that.
[00:20:09] Victoria Petrovsky: Yeah. And not only like, are you in that trance state, but like you're getting dopamine hits and explosions of chemicals in your brain with the orgasm that reinforces that state, creating that positive feedback loop to perpetuate that whole direction.
[00:20:23] Kodah Pipitone: yeah. It
it was, super motivational and habit forming and addictive. And
by the way, when you Google about it, I checked all the boxes for someone who's likely trans. When I got back to the United States, everybody was like, trans tipping point.
[00:20:39] Victoria Petrovsky: What
[00:20:39] Kodah Pipitone: like,
[00:20:39] Victoria Petrovsky: was that?
[00:20:40] Kodah Pipitone: 2014 so I just, the zeitgeist had a lot of momentum and I was not ready to jump in, but I was, uh, I studied ethics, world religions and economics.
So I was interested in helping and started doing work around anti human trafficking and a lot [00:21:00] of this stuff that happens to people who are in survival sex work. that led me into proximity with trans people, and now my community of trans people who are drinking the Kool Aid, speaking the ideology, bringing the language in.
And then my therapist was, right this way, you should probably do this next, you should probably do that
next. So I got on the conveyor belt.
And I was terrified, but all the science said that if I didn't address it, I would become suicidal ideation or
something that age. Which is a grain of truth in that, right?
If you don't have a healthy expression of the feminine, it will fester,
it doesn't, but that science doesn't justify go all in and bodily augmentation and castration.
it's a key distinction, right? 20 year old, 22 year old. At the time I was John,
That didn't have the restraint and the awareness and the distinctions that I have now.
So I just. went full in, did the hard thing. I mustered up courage
[00:21:55] Victoria Petrovsky: And I know you, you hate surgeries and
like cutting your body, you're afraid of [00:22:00] needles, or I don't know
if you still are, but you've
[00:22:02] Kodah Pipitone: I've worked a lot on that. No, I can self inject finally now. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. We can talk about that healing from that.
[00:22:09] Clifton Smith: So you were a high performer headed straight into a conveyor belt of a gender transition.
So I became a lobbyist, public speaker. I changed systems to make that path easier because Not only could I figure it out, but I also figured out how to improve it.
So trans people that are just wards of the state, just giving a social service check, cover my medical bills. Then there are trans people who say, let me figure this out, autodidactic.
And I was latter. So I, force of nature, advocated for more efficient policy, and I stand by harm reduction policies.
I stand by a world that's better, and we have space for people to go through the process. I don't stand by policies that touch our children. That supersede the powers of family and parents over their children. I I don't stand by bringing these irreversible processes into the developmental cycles of [00:23:00] children.
and that's when I left that movement. so that it
So you were finally like this is too much, this is too far, this hits your ethical,
moral compass. Okay.
[00:23:09] Kodah Pipitone: Yeah, this, isn't giving people space to breathe. This is, a wedge between parents and children, which is breaking the container necessary to develop human consciousness.
That's a negative cascade and negative trajectory for our species.
[00:23:22] Clifton Smith: can we, explore that? Just unpack that one?
Because that seems to be like a pretty solid tipping point for you along this journey was the power of family.
What is it about family that you feel so strongly about maintaining?
[00:23:35] Kodah Pipitone: I'm Italian man. The roots go deep.
deep Blood.
Italian blood. Like, come on people see this nose and like, I get a job. If I'm, if I go to any little Italy in any city in the world, walk into a bar or restaurant, and like, hey, you need hiring? Even if there's not a job, like, yeah, come in tomorrow. Like, no problem. And that served me throughout my life.
And my brother , special forces candidate for a while there, and now he's career military. And [00:24:00] he was like, I really disagree with what you're doing, but I love you. I was like, I would die for you. And yeah, so like huge, and across all that. And then my father,, he has a very successful business in Baltimore, heating and air conditioning. His father built it as an entrepreneur that was tech in the 70s 80s that was technology and they built a great company When I would be on TV or the radio in Baltimore and they would his clients would say oh it must be hard Having a kid caught up in this whole trans thing. Like, they said I feel sorry for you And he would just respond like no, it's not like that Like I love my son. I love my kid,
whatever So That, like when he was not equipped with the intellectual, um, uh, training and education that I was gifted by virtue of his hard work, uh, he still was able to say, no, I'm here for family. Like, don't mess with my family.
[00:24:58] Victoria Petrovsky: Wow [00:25:00]
[00:25:00] Kodah Pipitone: yeah.
My mother also just, yeah. And my, and my mom was just like, what do I have to do? You know, I don't understand. I don't get it.
But it's just, okay, what do I got to do? I'm there.
[00:25:12] Clifton Smith: beautiful.
[00:25:13] Kodah Pipitone: Yeah. So those bonds, you know, you don't break those bonds unless you have good reason.
and I've always got that. So, and whatever your family is, family could be chosen. Right? I had a lot of experience during that time in the trans community and the polyamorous community as well. And I saw stable structures of multi participant relationships. It works. There are tribes that have polygamy. There are tribes that raise the kids in the village that intentionally have multiple male partners. So you don't know who the biological father is. All these examples.
key is is your sexual energy grounded?
Are you in a healthy relationship? And if that checks then the social function is satisfied and now we can have a safe society for kids and children and women And the male energy that [00:26:00] male sexual energy is grounded if it's not, you know, there's no family, there's no containers for development
and we're all just crashing into each other.
[00:26:10] Clifton Smith: That's deep. And it seems to be like a very solid, experience that you've gone through to embody that statement. What is it about grounding your sexuality that you're here to help share or just by your own experience, you're here to proselytize or just bring awareness to?
[00:26:31] Kodah Pipitone: yeah, so that's a deep question. I think that there is an atrophy in masculine presence in our culture and because of that, while there may be fathers in some cases, not all, there's a deficit in fathers, full stop,
but in the fathers that are there, the masculinity isn't passing on.
[00:26:51] Victoria Petrovsky: Mhmm.
[00:26:52] Kodah Pipitone: And that is the technology we use to wield that part of our human animal, which is sexual, which it has potential [00:27:00] for violence,, which wraps that around a code of honor, right? You, you don't just say, I will never touch this part of me and repress it.
[00:27:08] Victoria Petrovsky: Mhmm.
[00:27:08] Kodah Pipitone: I heard last night, from a military veteran. one of his mentors said, if you don't have a relationship to your potential to kill, you cannot have a relationship to your potential to care. He said, if you don't have your kill, you don't have your care. And that was an intense frame, but I get it.
I get it. When I found men's work and I started saying, Hey, I feel sometimes I just want to like it's in me. And then they said, yes, brother, bring that to the circle. I did and, I, I got to express it and then, I got to see it cathartic. Got to release that charge and then , my heart could flow again. I knew it wasn't wrong or shameful to know that I have this capability to direct my energy down and [00:28:00] out. That's yang potential in my energy. And I didn't shut that down because when calibrated and intentionally deployed with honor, that's the same energy we use to build infrastructure, to build buildings, roads. That's how we assemble companies. That's how we close deals.
So shutting that down was actually shutting down many aspects of my life.
[00:28:21] Victoria Petrovsky: Mhmm. So what made you want to reconnect back with that energy and like what was that kernel that brought you full circle, not full circle but into a whole different space of being this new kind of male having gone through the experience of being female all those years?
[00:28:36] Kodah Pipitone: Yeah. Yeah. A lot of learnings in the female, , social space too, and communicating in that language and learning those, all the non violent communication, authentic relating technology is very feminine, but it's also very useful. And I recommend men to train up in those skills, but still ground in the masculine frame, right? Make it no problem. Cut a clear path through the wilderness. , [00:29:00] whereas a lot of the feminine technology. is the vines and the trees and the roots. And it's, it's a very different,, set of value. So, the inflection point and the anchor in masculinity, be the change you want to be in the world. And when I ingested all the feminist ideology around, that framework of women's liberation, which really forms an imbalance, just in the other direction, I, Framed the masculine as the root of all evil. Framed patriarchy is bad. Capitalism is bad.
I then couldn't see the fact that per capita that we're experiencing more peace under capitalism and meritocracy than under the previous governmental technologies of federations and feudalism. So there is actually a value to it. It's still being refined and we can account more stakeholders and value.
[00:29:44] Victoria Petrovsky: And I But say that,
it's not just people who are transitioning their gender and exploring being female and feminine. It's also when you go into that space of spiritual awakening, or when you do shadow work, and then you say the patriarchy is the enemy. [00:30:00] Because you're kind of exploring this other side of yourself, and I'm sure other people and listeners can relate to this, whether or not they've transitioned their gender, but just having gone through that phase in their life where they're like, masculinity and patriarchy is the root of all evil, so I'm gonna be the opposite of that.
[00:30:16] Kodah Pipitone: Yeah, right. What's that grounded in? Potentially the transfer from their father, that's their
to the father then projected onto society instead of, Healed in that individual experience and time and again. So it, like me, I mean, maybe there was, maybe I got pattern mapped poorly in the Imago, the parental framework.
And I had masculinity sourced from my mom in some areas and femininity sourced from my father in some areas. And it didn't, the map was all miscombobulated maybe, but regardless, I had read so much about men doing wrong and I wanted to change it. So I changed the only man I have access to deeply, which is my own self.
[00:30:56] Victoria Petrovsky: Wow.
[00:30:57] Kodah Pipitone: care of that man and jump on the [00:31:00] hand grenade. So that martyrdom and self sacrifice when then actually healed, a martyr is one who's able to fully commit. So I fully committed. Now I know that my body is a gift to me. It's meant to be loved and cared for, cared through.
So coming back in and caring for this man that I am has allowed me to actually understand the healed masculine is that loving presence.
[00:31:29] Victoria Petrovsky: Mm hmm,
[00:31:30] Kodah Pipitone: And I can be that demonstration in the world
[00:31:33] Victoria Petrovsky: mm hmm.
[00:31:34] Kodah Pipitone: For other men. And, I can father other men. I can mentor and guide other men back into our bodies. You know,, when we are not in connection with the inner feminine, that's our sensuality that's taking care of this body. When a woman that we're romantically attracted to comes to us because it's mutual and then she can feel that we're not taking care of our feminine, what [00:32:00] message does she get? Oh, he's not going to be able to take care of me
[00:32:03] Victoria Petrovsky: hmm.
[00:32:04] Kodah Pipitone: or relate to me. So I started to understand that
how I treat my feminine is how I treat every feminine out there in the world.
[00:32:12] Victoria Petrovsky: Yeah.
[00:32:12] Kodah Pipitone: the shifts were immediate. When I started taking care of this and being masculine presence in the world, the women I'm actually attracted to were attracted to me
And compatibility and polarity started to recenter
and it just again and again.
[00:32:28] Victoria Petrovsky: hmm. What an edge you have on coaching men. Having gone through your embodied experience.
[00:32:36] Kodah Pipitone: Let's talk about how women think. I know, because I installed that operating system.
Here's where it,
Yeah. Then I deconstructed, here's where it doesn't really work inside of our bodies. Here's why.
[00:32:47] Victoria Petrovsky: This is where it breaks down.
[00:32:49] Clifton Smith: So I love how you're sharing all these insights from the de transitioning re transitioning. I'm not quite sure that the terminology here, but can you help our listeners understand that period [00:33:00] of Ava, you as Ava was seven, eight years.
And then we explored a bit about that moral ethical boundary of the family, how did you, or when did you make that decision that you were like, you know what, I'm going to transition to Kodah. I'm going to transition.
[00:33:16] Kodah Pipitone: Yeah.
[00:33:17] Victoria Petrovsky: you two
met when he was
[00:33:19] Kodah Pipitone: Yeah, exactly.
, you know, I was always, Super growth mindset. So building a venture backable assets, let's go, let's do it. We can use business as a tool to create reality and we can build infrastructure for others to interface with. Let's go. So I was in Summit Series, was doing my, Wixárika and peyote ceremonies, done a little bit of Santo Daime, but I was still injecting estrogen.
And I would sit there and meditate all the time and I do all the stuff, but my biometrics were low. There was a week I was working with a coach, Tristan Montoya from Heart Map, really solid brother. And he had me on the heart [00:34:00] math device that clipped on my ear and measured my heart rate and breath. And one week I had forgotten to take my shot. I was so busy.
Yeah. And my heart rate variability score started going up and just like, what's going on? iT's like not taking the shot. And my body was regulating itself
[00:34:15] Clifton Smith: And what does heart rate variability indicate just for people who might not know?
[00:34:20] Kodah Pipitone: Yeah. Coherent. So it just, you're, there's a rhythmic intelligence to the multiple organ systems in our body.
And when they're operating in a sympathetic resonance, they constructively amplify one another. When they're, when one is dysregulated out of harmony, we kind of fall back to the lower vibration of the lowest system until we. Reintegrate it. So the heart rate ability. Yeah, the heart's ability to come back to its own rhythm, its own cadence, and that the time it takes to return to that is this heart rate variability. When we're stressed out, it takes longer to come back.
When we're grounded, it comes back more easily. And just watch your life shift as you begin to train that ability in
[00:34:56] Victoria Petrovsky: yourself
Absolutely. We deal with all of our clients, [00:35:00] as
[00:35:00] Kodah Pipitone: Yeah, It's really that simple to be honest. So I'm here going deeper with that. I'm in the global synchronization events in 2019 beginning of the pandemic chapter. And I had already got the download that, you know, I had a homeless services software platform of selling to governments worked a lot to get our first contract with Maryland. And then pandemic made all the special projects budgets go away. So the
government said, sorry, we can't pay you.
I just had to dissolve that company, I had found in the peyote ceremony, I'd thought, well, if people are unhoused, why are they unhoused?
Well, they're not in their bodies. if you're not in your body, you're not in your identity, in your community,
identity, you're not in your
community and you're not your Yeah,
So I started to build wearable devices to help people be in their bodies. Jewelry with biometric sensors, neurodiagnostics respiration, all these different biometrics. So just help people be more present.
And,, in that journey, [00:36:00] you know, I , Had a team around me and was doing that. It's hard to raise venture during the pandemic, but we're doing a thing. And I kept failing. And I discovered that this heart rate variability was going up when I wasn't injecting.
So I just said, what if I just stop doing this gender stuff? Just, what if I don't do gender
and just see what happens? Just a removal based, right? Let me just remove stuff.
Elimination diet.
And I was in my house every day. I meditate for an hour and maybe another hour and I wasn't doing any calls or meetings.
So I'm just, I'm just sit here, you know, I was listening to all the podcasts at the time and just sitting there. I was on clubhouse a lot and just meditating and talking about consciousness and I just removed everything from my life.
And at that time I met mentor, met Gino, Dr. Gino Yu taught about consciousness and synchronicities and Allowing the world and the field to respond and work with you and your path all the synchronicities kept aligning to just let's just dissolve everything Sell my house and
[00:37:00] Let's go and find what's really for me and I got into dance and I still had no hormones. I was just like non gendered being
[00:37:09] Victoria Petrovsky: Yeah, when I met you, you're like, I asked what your pronoun was, and you're like, he or they.
[00:37:15] Kodah Pipitone: It's just like whatever you feel. Language is third person for a reason. It's diagnostic of where you are in the social contract. So you just Put whatever language matches the person's expression. That's how it's designed. This whole movement to like shift that is, I think destructive to freedom of thought, which is freedom and in deep sense. So we can nerd out about that.
But so I'm doing no hormones. And I, saw Marianne Williamson at dinner, my going away dinner. She was on a date blind date with one of my mentors. And, she's like, I don't know what it is, but you're going to meet somebody in the mountains of Bali and he's get something for you. I don't know what it is, but that's what I got. If you want to talk about it, let me know. And sure enough, I find myself in Bali not long [00:38:00] thereafter. As you do on a spiritual journey. And it was no, no foreigners. It was during the pandemic. So it was just really Bahasa Indonesians. And I was in one of their containers doing a spiritual process.
And the high priest Yoramanku invited me to his house, which is the temple. And I went deep with him and it got clear that I had no idea who this person was, that I was pretending to be.
I had no idea what my name was, my favorite color. I didn't know anything. And he's like, well, um, What do you want to do right now? It's just like, I want to ride a motorcycle around this island. He's like, go do that. And, I did that because I wanted to.
And, I haven't returned from that ride.
[00:38:45] Victoria Petrovsky: Mm
[00:38:45] Kodah Pipitone: So, I started just doing what I wanted to do. , I always wore the same clothes, even when I was you know, trying to live as a female, I still wore like this same stuff.
So I just started wearing more and looking more congruent in what I was [00:39:00] wearing. And my life has just conformed around that. And then it was very clear that, you know, if I don't think about gender, then I'm just a man in society. It's easy. And then if I'm a man in society, what is that? What's my role?
Okay. My body's good at these things. What's my, where's my skill? And all of it is just man, masculine, man, masculine. Until I got fully. aware of some of those linguistic devices that interrupted my association with myself as man and deprogram them and then allow that energy to flow. And I was like, Oh, this is it.
I am this. I've always been this. I chose to be here as this
that choice and that free choice to be born and be alive. What is mine to do? That's the men's work.
So I found myself in the Amazon jungle living two months, one with the Asháninka one with the Yawanawá. And going deep into editing my frame of my timeline and going into alignment. And I found myself invited to the Sundance with the Lakota where I went deep into doing what I say I would [00:40:00] do when I said I would do it.
[00:40:02] Victoria Petrovsky: hmm
[00:40:02] Kodah Pipitone: I
[00:40:02] Victoria Petrovsky: Mm
And I've offered
[00:40:03] Kodah Pipitone: my flesh in those ceremonies. And I've now come back and joined men's circles and gone deeper. So that inflection point was really the period of deep stillness. Meditation and no pharmaceutical injections that then allow my body to come back online.
[00:40:19] Victoria Petrovsky: Mhmm when you say offer your flesh, is that when you wanted to explant?
[00:40:25] Kodah Pipitone: Uh, no, in the Sundance it's a, so first you vision quest is four days and four nights where you sit in a very small circle by yourself in the woods, surrounded by your tobacco prayers. And you've no water and food and you're not supposed to sleep. It's like no sleep
And that is an initiation its own And then after that completes the men are invited to do the work It takes about 30 40 hours to prepare for the Sun Dance. It's a lot of labor and some food And some tea and then we start the Sun Dance, which is four days four nights [00:41:00] no water no food Every day you're dancing in the hot sun. Every morning you wake up and do a super hot sweat lodge called a Temescal and every night you do another Temescal. So you're cooking, roasting yourself every morning and night and you're dancing in the sun all day. And on the third
[00:41:17] Victoria Petrovsky: All to tap into vision
[00:41:18] Kodah Pipitone: yeah.
[00:41:19] Victoria Petrovsky: Mm-Hmm.
[00:41:20] Kodah Pipitone: Well, this is a warrior initiation, a men's initiatory ceremony where you become a man in the Lakota.
And this technology is why the Lakota are the only indigenous, uh, first nation,, military to have ever directly beat the American military like head on conflict. So there was, this was that this was their spirit.
And the third day that you lay down and, they, , cut your chest open and they put this piece of wood in these two areas. And they tie it to a tree, and you pray, and you,, lean back until it tears. And that is an offering. Like, what can we do as men, with women bleeding every month, and bleeding [00:42:00] significantly during childbirth, what can we do to just offer back something?
And this is that, and
there's a, this other spiritual, the cosmology and the sun and different rays of the sun and we're preparing to go through this really quantum transfer where we can move on those rays to other dimensions.
And that's a whole nother deeper layer in the mythology and the, their cosmology that they operate in, that is fruitful to study. I think in the Western frame, , we are a little more geometric in our ontology, a little more Pythagoras and it's a different, we don't necessarily anthropomorphize these concepts in the same way that these narratives do. So I think there's utility to experience, learn and study, but then ultimately be who we are in our lineages.
So while I Sundance, I'm not Lakota,
right? So I live in a Western ontology and there's this benefit and I'm valuing that. And I study these ways and then learn, come back and communicate in our world what I learned.
[00:42:59] Clifton Smith: Wow,[00:43:00]
[00:43:00] Victoria Petrovsky: A true ambassador.
[00:43:01] Clifton Smith: that's And that, and that really resonates too with me when I was studying the Hindu tradition and the Vedic sciences is I received a message , in deep channeling, , that it's time to return to your father. Your time studying here is done. And it's like, all right, you were a guest, I was told I was like a reporter, I'm here gathering information in this other lineage, in this deep cultural work to bring back into, as you said, the deep roots of, of who we are.
[00:43:30] Victoria Petrovsky: mm-Hmm
[00:43:30] Kodah Pipitone: Exactly. Exactly. And they are inviting and we're receiving invitation. They are offering, we're receiving it. We're not going into our friend's house and saying, Hey, I love that painting. At which point some cultures, be like okay, we have, we would give that to you. So it's not the way we don't go and say, Hey, I heard about this plant and then, okay, okay, then they'll give us that plant to it's like, your words have power.
So be mindful of what we don't know about the protocols of other cultures and don't go pointing and asking. Just be grateful for what is [00:44:00] offered.
[00:44:00] Victoria Petrovsky: Mhm.
[00:44:01] Clifton Smith: Absolutely. So you've done deep initiation work, on a very high expression of the masculine, as well. So from my perspective, it's like you've, and this is just one of many deep initiations you've been through. Right. And from from a perspective that I have, it's like you have cred, you've done the work, like literally here is the physical work. And that puts you
at a certain level and wow, I haven't done that. Let me honor what you have physically gone out and done.
[00:44:32] Kodah Pipitone: You and we're off capability, right? This is one of the things we say at Flow genome is beyond your experience within your ability.
[00:44:40] Victoria Petrovsky: Mm
[00:44:40] Kodah Pipitone: So this is available and what I got was there was a part of me that I was protecting myself from that I got very much in contact with in the Sundance.
And now I'm in relationship with that part of me and be that person fully in the world. So there's, that's the initiatory experience. Like, Hey, I am ready
and now it's [00:45:00] time. and I think this also could even bridge into some of the Quantumpreneur stuff where you find yourself spaces that you don't feel credentialed for. Well,
[00:45:06] Victoria Petrovsky: Mm
[00:45:07] Kodah Pipitone: Well, we've done a different of credentialing.
[00:45:08] Victoria Petrovsky: Yeah. I was going to say that, you know, you've gone through a whole journey of refining, tuning into and testing out the bounds of your beingness.
And how have you encapsulated that as a business or in your entrepreneurship now having gone through that whole journey?
[00:45:26] Kodah Pipitone: Yeah, so I'll say when I was in Bali also. They were saying, you know, what if money wasn't a thing? What would you really want to do?
I just kept talking about the future legacy. I don't want my Children to be hunched over and staring at screens. I want them to be heart open, connected
kids. That's disintermediating screens from digital participation. That's wearable devices. So I was working on that for a while. What I got from that world of this, thesis
there is work to be done so that our kids are not hunched over and we're not heating up the planet. We're not extracting resources. There is work to do to [00:46:00] make the technologies and conveniences more related to the living systems that they're sourced in.
That I call emergent intelligence. It's a think tank and studio where we look at the future and what needs to be built
such that we can arrive and participate as that future together.
[00:46:15] Victoria Petrovsky: hmm. Mm hmm. Emergently. Mm hmm.
[00:46:18] Kodah Pipitone: So, you know, I think a lot about our movement, our energy and movement systems, how we move around the world and our bodies, our health. Right? And then our minds. So it's really full stack. Currently a strategic advisor for clean tech I. P. Deployment. So there's a biodiesel company with 90 percent efficiency on feedstock that already is contracted with major, fuel companies in the world. And we're now aggregating land to optimize some of the utilization of the acreage for biodiesel production. And then there's a clean water technology that's a net zero. that we have already installed in one city, and we're refining that as TRL 6. We want to get it up to TRL 7 so we can deploy that in other [00:47:00] municipalities. , we have partners with the Global Solution Institute, a dear friend of mine's family runs that does this financial enablement and government purchasing through trade associations and Fulbright alumni networks.
So really, really tuning into how to get technologies to municipalities yesterday so that we can have a really stable civilization for the future. So, that's really grounded here now.
[00:47:26] Clifton Smith: So real quick, you went, you went from riding that motorcycle from that Balinese priest house to now doing like global massive projects.
[00:47:35] Kodah Pipitone: well, I mean, in between then it was, uh, we were working on an M&A fund for biohacking wellness centers. Let's just roll up all the healing centers, and build this infrastructure of the future of wellness and
that's where Clifton, you and I met and all the brick and mortar med spas were distressed because you couldn't go in person
[00:47:53] Clifton Smith: And there's a laundry list of projects that Kodah yeah. a part of and is actively cultivating. [00:48:00] My question to you is, , how did you manifest them? , how are you part of those conversations? , what's going on in your mind as these massive game changing things are coming to you?
[00:48:11] Kodah Pipitone: yeah. When we are programming our self, reticular activating system, subconscious NLP,, we, really can place an order that that we want and anchor that and then just be in relationship with the field and see what synchronicities emerge.
So I was first getting really clear on what it is that I believe needs to be done. And then in the subtext of my listening, the shortest point to get to that conversation would emerge because I would be what I was naturally talking about.
I'm on the dance floor.
[00:48:43] Victoria Petrovsky: Placing in order with the universe and then seeing what comes in, what you receive
[00:48:46] Kodah Pipitone: And, and being in action. So, and what action? Anything. So go to ecstatic dance and talk about it. you're in, that flow and then you're dancing with somebody you're vibing with and then you talk afterwards and say, Oh, you should talk to that person.
And you get on a call with them and you [00:49:00] talk to them and then boom. And it's true and it's passionate and it's clear and it's resonating with the person who has linearly credentialed themselves to be operating in that space. And then because of how true and how sincere your conviction is, they're like, let me bring you up to speed on how this industry works.
And now you have somebody who's lovingly. Giving you mentorship because you're actually lovingly receiving it and deeply deeply aligned with it so that happened again and again and I just learned everything about funds and and fund of funds and I found myself through the consciousness conversation spiritual conversation embodiment conversation Meeting with these ultra high net worth individuals who that's really deeply Focused in their lives post money, right? Unlimited is at a point and they're in Dubai and I'm talking about consciousness and then We dovetail into how does this get built? And then it's, they have all the financial technology and then I learn that game. , and then I'm in London or I'm in New York, Miami, LA, and meeting people in the same conversation who then, Oh, by the way, [00:50:00] are doing it. And then, they're, Hey, we need to pass the torch. Like we're getting retirement age. Are you in? And
I'm in, where's the Jersey?
[00:50:10] Victoria Petrovsky: How does it feel to sit at those tables with those ultra high net worth individuals, with people of power and influence in the world? I know, it's a journey of acceptance that you're there and why you're there in the first place, right?
[00:50:23] Kodah Pipitone: Yeah, people are people. One of the things that I got really clear on when all the doomsday language would come up in the making them wrong. People when we see when our human system sees an institution that's bigger than we can actually fully make sense of,
[00:50:40] Victoria Petrovsky: Mm hmm.
[00:50:41] Kodah Pipitone: We make it the demon or the dragon so we can be the hero.
that's a psychological mechanism. So we look at world economic forum and say, that's the demon. And we then bias towards conspiratorial assumptions so that we can be the hero.
But really you go there and it's just people who are trying to do good.
is a complicated [00:51:00] ecosystem, what do we do?
What are you doing? What are you doing? And
yeah, bad actors, but there are really some very good actors
in that. Like how can, like, how do we take on the responsibility of building legacy for our species? And that's where the conversations are, in the global conversations. Globalism can be beautiful,
good, and can have cultural diversity, ideological diversity, within global infrastructure.
And I think that's necessary. Look at Star Trek. So, when I found heart centered people who are thinking globally and acting locally, Global Shapers was an on ramp to the World Economic Forum for me. I just kept getting that affirmation, but more specifically, when I first met up with a dear friend, Martine, and we were talking consciousness and great zoom calls through a clubhouse conversation and then go to her house and like, Oh, wow, the vehicles outside, like the Maseratis, the, roundabout and her staff comes out, opens the door of my car and brings me tea in the waiting room , and this is her house. And then her husband comes and has a thing of [00:52:00] whiskey from George Washington's still. And it's like, Oh, who am I dealing with? And then we get into conversation and,
Oh, I'm talking to my friend Martine.
Got it. Cool house. Great taste. Right. But I'm talking to a human here.
Who's alive and in love and just like me and those material things.
It's just another part of the game we can choose to play or not. And I do choose to play that game because I think it helps my human animal feel good.
But I also don't want to overextract and I want to do it ethically
[00:52:30] Victoria Petrovsky: Yeah.
And having a seat at the table, to help emergently realize the future that we want to head towards. And I've always seen you as a visionary and optimist about that future with technology. There's a lot of, Narratives out there in the conscious communities about the conspiratorial things that you're talking about demonizing those larger congregations of people and three letter acronyms that are, you know, creating policy and global infrastructure.
And I just love that. [00:53:00] You provide an alternative perspective to that to not see it all as bad and Just like blanket everything all together that you know, this is bad. This is good
making a an enemy like you said
[00:53:13] Kodah Pipitone: Thank you, Victoria. It's, it's really a restraint. Practicing intellectual restraint, knowing what I don't know. and being okay and grounding myself, acknowledging when I'm triggered based on too much awareness too fast. ,
And, then am I ready to go deeper in the conversation and then actually learn about the nuances and the distinctions and be able to then come back and assess and then go back in.
And when you get to a level in business and in life, It's not about making the other person wrong, it's about making us both better at being who we are here to be.
And it's really, how can I help you? How can you help me? And where's the win win? And there's an infinite game, right? We're not trying to win the game and implicitly end the game.
We're here to keep it going. So it's a different frame. And in that, when [00:54:00] we're playing that infinite game, we are receiving from one another and calibrating and upgrading. So with that, I was able to then go deeper with some folks. and not center that, Hey, I need to make money off the time we're spending together, but be like, you're an awesome human and you've got wisdom and you did a thing.
And I want to just learn. and , it's a point where, I would have months where I could barely even pay rent. And then my friend's, you know, selling
another property for 13 million. And I'm just like, can you cover lunch today? , but if you play it right, They happily will cover lunch or put you up in a hotel for free because that's easy and that's hosting and it's beautiful but if you're too resistant and judgmental, you won't be able to receive.
there's And Kodah stayed in the Burj Khalifa in the penthouse
yeah. Yeah. So a brother, you know, had his staff pick me up from the airport, put me
up in place in the Burj and then had a whole Villa set up for me
because I was like, I am here to learn. Yeah.
don't have much materially right now, but , I'm heart on and I'm mind [00:55:00] as best as I can be. And he saw something in me and said, let's explore. So he essentially financed me for three months to do that. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:55:10] Victoria Petrovsky: the respect and humility
[00:55:12] Kodah Pipitone: and not being above job whatever he needed, I'm happy to do it. And, then also within my, morals. So yeah, I would say that, people are just people regardless of their status.
Status is just a game, and, you know, outside of the game we're humans and we choose to play the game and we just coordinate based on experience and rank, there's a concept called dynamic subordination, which is when someone has more flow, you tune into them as a tuning fork.
So it's in VUCA scenarios, volatile, uncertain, complex, adaptive situations.
[00:55:41] Victoria Petrovsky: Like room entrainment, like someone entrains the room with
their magnetism. Mm
[00:55:46] Kodah Pipitone: yes.
And this come from the Navy SEALs actually, but it would apply in that sense too, but they're under fire, you can't always default to the hierarchy, whoever's got the best read on the situation. You kind of default to them
regardless of. Their rank Cause you're [00:56:00] macro organism, right? Hierarchy, is adaptive
[00:56:02] Victoria Petrovsky: Mm hmm.
[00:56:03] Kodah Pipitone: Under stress. So, I say that like if we're just in flow together, rank dissolves, sometimes I'm on a riff and then they're listening to me. Sometimes they're on a technical delivery of what needs to be done or how it will be done. And I'm listening to them. We all have our points in which we are holding more flow , in the moment.
[00:56:20] Victoria Petrovsky: And your beingness is such that to riff with flow and your incredible constructs of the English language that bend people's minds to conceptualize sometimes, but it all makes sense when it lands,
[00:56:33] Kodah Pipitone: Thank you. , , that's the thing. , it's getting back into logos. Otherwise you're just spinning wheels around.
[00:56:39] Clifton Smith: Yeah. And if there's things that bring people out of that flow or resistance to follow that
fluid hierarchy, is that where perhaps some of your coaching comes in or how do you help people continue at that high level of conversation that those deep conscious futuristic conversations
[00:56:57] Kodah Pipitone: Yeah. Thank you. [00:57:00] So this is a self worth conversation. So when our programming gets challenged, there's a red line we hit. It's like a ceiling in
our conscious
[00:57:08] Victoria Petrovsky: Mm hmm.
because we're so comfortable at the level of success personally, socially, relationally, materially that we have.
And when we go above that, it's dangerous and unfamiliar.
So we subconsciously or unconsciously self sabotage bring us back down So that's information. So the goal is playing into the game. So we're all in this level of vibration, the platform we're all on, the business is now vibrating here. And if
someone team falls off, We all want to bring we're not that person as that person who
caused it to derail in that moment We feel bad.
Oh, I did it. I ruined it Oh my god, and we then spiral into that red line and crash it down
but our team wants to hold it. Our team is like no we got you brother
That was one of the major lessons. Actually, I learned during our time working on Urth Intelligence is that creating presence and, upgrading [00:58:00] our nervous systems to receive that which we were calling in and especially the size of the magnitude of what's being called in making sure that the vehicle can handle that can contain it.
That there's no self sabotaging mechanisms, no imposter syndrome, once it's here.
[00:58:16] Kodah Pipitone: Yes exactly. And so that being one example for sure in the fund of fund space It's the responsibility of connecting with such a, like the stream that this financial mechanism is a lot of capital flowing through those streams. So the rate of flow is high.
It's like a faster flowing river,
[00:58:33] Victoria Petrovsky: There's a hose at matters.
river, yeah.
Fire hose sometimes. So you
[00:58:37] Kodah Pipitone: Got to make sure your conduits are well sealed. Right?
but, in the coaching work specifically, that information is what we work with. So I, I have some technologies, some language based technologies that we program in repeat. And I can, when we say certain, I am a gift believers and supporters surround me. First line
of about a hundred lines that we have in this document.
That we work on, and I can look at the vocal tone and the [00:59:00] embodiment
[00:59:00] Victoria Petrovsky: Mm hmm.
[00:59:01] Kodah Pipitone: it's all right there.
[00:59:03] Victoria Petrovsky: Mm hmm.
[00:59:04] Kodah Pipitone: you see, like, let's go into that. And then, and all of that awareness comes out and we workshop frames are underneath of that, what
the, in underneath of that.
And we can see it, we can get the
pros and cons of it and really get, okay, is this complete? This is a tool that I built when I was probably six years old
I'm still applying it here in my life.
[00:59:24] Victoria Petrovsky: Yeah.
[00:59:24] Kodah Pipitone: Hold that on the toolkit, but maybe build a new tool and then shift it back in and see how your resonance changes.
So we, go through these sentences
whole host of wellbeing practices, a lot of Qigong,
a lot of
[00:59:36] Victoria Petrovsky: meditation
[00:59:37] Kodah Pipitone: that I work with. And then I work with some ceremonial plant medicines and some psychedelics and integration thereof, and whatever ecstatic technology is your flavor, we can find something that gets you into gnosis.
going in and finding where's your language out. And then what can we unearth
[00:59:54] Victoria Petrovsky: Mm
[00:59:55] Kodah Pipitone: become conscious of and then reintegrate such that we can actually be who we're creating ourselves [01:00:00] as who we are truly being.
[01:00:01] Clifton Smith: That's Beautiful.
Yeah. We do that in our work as well, certain codes
[01:00:06] Victoria Petrovsky: yeah, we downloaded these codes and there's embodiment mechanisms To see how well they're embodied and how much that program is installed based on, like, if we're hitting a discord in the energy, Oh, that one's not really resonating or there's slipping up saying that one, or it's just in the body language
in what's
[01:00:24] Clifton Smith: looking into full body vibrational entrainment with those codes as well. So it's beyond , the neuro linguistics. ,
so exciting. And I think that's a , beautiful point to transition to sharing with the listeners, how they can get in touch with you. It seems like there's so much to cover moving forward.
And we've just hit the surface in today's episode,
where can people find you? How can they participate in what you're Yeah. Kodahpip.com the home place for the world of Kodah and Emergent Intelligence. And [01:01:00] at my coaching, I call Korrtek a core technologies of who we are as humans, where we go deeply human. Www. KodahPIP.com we'll have it linked .
[01:01:10] Kodah Pipitone: I'm also on Instagram at Kodah underscore Pip, and my LinkedIn has a lot of the Flow Genome content, which we didn't go into too deeply today, but that is one of the key ways I stay grounded. It's outdoor leadership. So we bring in management consulting from the boardroom to the back country.
And that's where a lot of the folks who've seen so much that doomsday seems like the only way. And we come back, feet on the ground, stay awake, wake up the others. And that's really built homegrown humans together. So we take that to companies. When I go one on one with someone, I do that work, a lot of masculinity coaching, some relationship stuff.
[01:01:45] Victoria Petrovsky: And there are some women who come to me and case by case, but if it's a fit and if that individual has a company, I'll often recommend they go through the, the Flow Genome corporate offerings as a compliment to my work can be there, ride [01:02:00] shotgun on that journey with them and just go deeper with that content as well. And that's it. I'm a blogger and I'm a podcast guest. It seems more and more So that's amazing. And I know also that you're working on a book about your journeys through consciousness, through gender transformation and reintegration
[01:02:19] Kodah Pipitone: Yeah. Stay tuned. This is really the best thing to say. that is the first two hours of my every day. And it is an amazing two hours where I get to just download on these chapters. I encourage , anyone to write a book when you write it out, helps your thinking.
going back in and writing these chapters, and it's really what happened, then what I got from it, and how you can apply it in your life. that goes through every chapter of There's a bunch of titles working right now, but I call it Legend of Robots. There's the Song of John, the Song of Ava, and the Song of Kodah
[01:02:49] Victoria Petrovsky: Oh my gosh. Well, it was such a pleasure having you on this show. Thank you so much for your presence, for your vulnerability, for your authenticity and [01:03:00] everything that you bring in your beingness. We I really enjoy spending time with you in this way. And now listeners get to drop in on that conversation like a fly on the wall.
And we always have interesting conversations, the three of us.
[01:03:12] Kodah Pipitone: Thank you so much for the space today and the time and just your hearts and your ears for being present with me today and with our listeners here. This has been a joy. Couldn't imagine a better way to spend my Friday.
[01:03:24] Clifton Smith: Aw, nice. Well, thank you so much for joining in and we'll catch you next time.